Sensible, Cost-Effective Water Resource Engineering

KS Associates specializes in the evaluation and design of all type of water resources infrastructure including new and rehabilitated water collection and distribution systems, sanitary sewage collection and transport systems, and stormwater management facilities.
We help public and private clients ensure that their improvement and associated construction activities result in minimal environmental impact and remain in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. Our expertise includes:
Sanitary Sewage Collection and Transport Systems – Including system planning, gravity sewers, force mains, pump stations, sewer system evaluation surveys, and infiltration and inflow studies.
Water Distribution Systems – Including flow analysis, piping, water towers, and meter vaults.
Stormwater Management Systems – Including studies, planning, and implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Stormwater Pollution Prevent Plans (SWPPP) – Including inspection services, NPDES permit applications, and compliance issues.
Lynn S. Miggins, P.E.
440.365.4730, ext. 310
[email protected]