Lakeside Chautauqua is a 150-year-old lakefront community in northwest Ohio that offers year-round spiritual opportunities, education, and recreation. An aged section of the community’s armor stone revetment spanning 400 feet to the west of the dock and boating area had eroded and was failing to protect the shoreline.
The community hired KS Associates to perform an assessment of the site. KS Coastal Engineers recommended that the concrete rubble was not only unsightly, it was also insufficient to protect the shoreline from lake forces and erosion.
KS Associates’ solution was to design an armor stone revetment, a new Redi-Rock concrete splash wall, and new walkway along the shoreline. This approach provided long-term protection of the shoreline while providing an aesthetic and functional walkway, enhancing visitors’ enjoyment and views of Lake Erie.
The project’s scope of services included conducting topographic and boundary surveys of the landward side of the project; performing a hydrographic survey extending approximately 100 feet lakeward from the shoreline; coordinating regulatory approvals, which included preparing a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and ODNR Shore Structure Permit, and a Submerged Lands Lease.
KS coastal engineers also provided construction phase services. KS Associates proposed a two-step bid process to include the Redi-Rock wall and concrete path, managed the bidding process, and recommended the selected contractor.
The construction contract was awarded to Shoreline Contractors at the amount of $444,482. Construction was complete in early 2024, in plenty of time for Lakeside Chautauqua visitors to enjoy the solar eclipse along the walkway and splash wall in April 2024.