KS Associates provided engineering services in support University Hospitals’ North Ridgeville Health Center, a state-of-the-art outpatient health center and freestanding emergency department on a 30-acre site in North Ridgeville, Ohio.
KS Associates provided site planning and design services to address issues such as grading, drainage, utilities, traffic, and supporting transportation infrastructure.
KS Associates conducted a Traffic Impact Study to evaluate the effect that the development had on traffic patterns in the area. Our engineers obtained traffic counts on Lorain Road, calculated trip generation estimates for the medical facility, conducted a turn lane warrant analysis for the new drive, and performed a signal warrants review to assess the need for a traffic control signal or an emergency vehicle actuated signal based on existing and projected traffic movements at the site.
KS Associates then designed a left turn lane at the entrance drive, which involved converting an existing four-lane section of Lorain Road to a five-lane section for 1,000 feet between Bliss Road and Victory Lane. KS also designed improvements to the roadway drainage system and developed Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) plans.
Construction of the $32.4 million facility was awarded to Donley’s Inc. and was completed in 2018. To read more about the project, see the article that was featured in cleveland.com
Photo Credit: Donley’s Inc.