Mark P. Cencer, P.E., KS Associates Director of Coastal Engineering Services, will be among the presenters at the 2021 American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) National Coastal Conference. The conference takes place September 28 to October 1, 2021, in New Orleans. The annual conference brings together coastal stakeholders and experts to share trends and innovations in science, engineering, and policy needed to maintain and improve the health of beachfront and estuarine shorelines and ecosystems.
This year’s conference theme is “Geaux Resilient” (geaux is Louisiana slang for “go”) and is focused on coastal resilience and living shorelines. On Friday, October 1, 2021, at 11:30 a.m., Mark will lead one of four sessions focused on the restoration of Sandusky Bay, which encompasses 64 square miles of open water in the western Lake Erie basin. In his session entitled “Beneficially Using Dredge Material to Restore Functional Coast Wetlands in Sandusky Bay,” Mark will discuss the Sandusky Cedar Point Causeway Wetland project. The project is aimed at improving Lake Erie water quality by eliminating open-lake disposal of dredge material into Lake Erie in support of the State of Ohio H2Ohio water quality initiative.
Completion of the Sandusky Cedar Point Causeway Wetland project will promote the beneficial use of more than 260,000 cubic yards of dredge material to restore a coastal wetland and create critical fish and wildlife habitat, provide opportunities for local economic development and job creation through public-private partnerships, enhance recreational opportunities, and support continued operation of the commercially important Sandusky Federal Navigation Channel.
Mark is the Director of KS Associates’ Coastal Engineering Group. He has more than 17 years of coastal engineering experience. Mark leads multi-disciplined teams in providing planning, design, and construction engineering services for all types of waterfront infrastructure, with a focus on projects along the Great Lakes and bodies of water throughout Ohio.
About the ASBPA and the National Coastal Conference:
The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association is a national organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the nation’s coasts by merging science and public policy. The organization advocates for healthy, sustainable, and resilient coastal systems to sustain four inter-connected core values provided by shores and beaches: community protection, a strong economy, ecologic health, and recreation. The ASBPA National Coastal Conference brings together experts in coastal issues.
Click here to learn more about the conference.